What are Low Cost Medication Waste Solutions for Hospital and Clinics

Drug Destructor is a low cost medication waste solution that can be easily deployed in various healthcare settings from acute care hospitals to

What are the Installation Costs Associated with Implementing Drug Destructor at My Facility?

One of the strengths of Drug Destructor is that it is very simple to implement. There is no capital investment as the bags hang from existing infrastructure – the IV pole at the bedside. Use Drug Destructor bags to shift your medication waste compliance needs to your supply budget instead of other solutions which involve large capital investments.  The only expense of implementing Drug Destructor is the cost of the bags.

Are there Ongoing Support Costs Associated with Using Drug Destructor Bags?

No. Simply purchase Drug Destructor bags as needed and continue meeting your medication waste compliance needs for a low cost.

Contact Us to see how we can help streamline your medication waste.